Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pho Chín, Nam, Gau, Gan, Sách

Type of Noodle: White Rice Noodles

What's in it: Well-Done Brisket, Well-Done Flank, Fat Brisket, Soft Tendon, Bible Tripe, Cilantro, Scallions, Bean Sprouts, Jalapeno Pepper, Thai Basil, Lime

Price: $7.98

Where to Find it: Pho 98 (Chantilly,VA)

Rating: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Summary: I used to like this spot a lot. Lately, the quality has been disappointing me. I find their broth is the best thing going for them. They have a flavorful broth which isn't too oily and heavy. I am more adventurous with my meat selection hence the selection of tripe and tendon in this particular soup. Pho 98 used to have one of the healthiest portions of meat in the area. As of late, they have been rather skimp in their portions. The noodles aren't the quality they used to be either and at times smells like they have been soaked in bleach. Don't get me wrong though. On a good day, this soup is phenomenal and hits the spot like no other. Somedays, it seems like they left out some TLC in making it and are just pushing bowls out. I'm giving 3 out of 5 bowls just because of their inconsistency.

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