Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pork Tom Yum Noodle Soup

Type of Noodle: Thin Rice Noodles

What's in it: Pork, Bean Sprouts, Lemongrass, Spring Onions, Cilantro

Price: $7.95

Where to Find it: Sila Thai (Chantilly, VA)

Rating: Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Summary: Tom Yum soup by itself is one of my favorite soups. It combines my two favorite flavors, sour and spicy. The thin vermicelli noodles are perfect for this soup because the amount they include compliments the amount of pork they add, which is a pretty healthy serving. The bean sprouts soak up the Tom Yum flavor even more and just like Pho, the addition of spring onions and cilantro enhance the taste. The price is right, the flavor is right, and the serving size is right. You don't get the bloated feeling from eating too much noodles and you don't feel like you should have ordered an appetizer. You can substitute pork for either beef or chicken. I could probably rotate each meat and eat this soup everyday of the week!

1 comment:

  1. I think the first 5 bowl rating needs a comment.

    I was gonna say before I read the review that the picture made this soup look the most delicious.

    You need to yelp.
